Bushcraft Courses and Hikes

Bjørn and a team of highly skilled instructors will be offering several courses in bushcraft, survivalism, hiking/camping and tracking. The courses are mainly held in Norway and if required in both Norwegian and English.

Next event: A two day, two nights woodland hike in southeastern Norway. You need to bring your own gear, including shelter (tent or hammock+tarp) and food. A lightweight pack is encouraged! Date: 18th-20th May. Scroll down for further description.

This is a perfect course for those who have little or limited knowledge of bushcraft and primitive fire. The course will give you a basic understanding of fire and shelter and will enable you to start your journey into bushcraft and primitive skills.

Topics that will be covered:

  • Building a primitive shelter or tarp shelters
  • Firecraft with modern tools (ferro rod etc)
  • Making charcloth
  • Rule of three: The knife, axe and saw
  • Knife maintenance
  • Flint and steel fire
  • Useful knots
  • If time: Introduction to bowdrill fire

To secure a spot on one of these courses, send an email to our team at bushcraftcourses@protonmail.com

Price: 225 Euro

A hike through some beautiful parts of the northern boreal forest in the south-eastern part of Norway. These hikes will be either one or two nights and they are not bushcraft courses, but guided hikes. You will need to bring and carry your own equipment, including shelter and food.

Next hike: 18th-20th May 2024

To secure a spot on this hike, send an email to our team at bushcraftcourses@protonmail.com

Price: 120 Euro

Some questions answered:

  • What should I bring? Depending on the length of the course, bring normal gear and equipment for staying outdoors in northern climate. For the hikes, bring what you need for a hiking and sleeping outside and mind your pack weight. We can not provide a detailed list of what to bring, as this will be individual and depending on whether it’s an on-site course or a hiking course. But in your pack (or on your person) you should have: A sleeping bag warm enough for the season, woolen underwear and woolen socks (except summer), woolen hat, warm gloves or mittens (if winter), a thick, woolen sweater or down jacket to wear under your outer shell jacket (unless summer), a good, wam sleeping pad, water filter, a sensible knife and folding saw, compass, boots that will not get wet too easily (shoes will not do except during summer), trousers and jacket that mosquitos will not bite through, a cup, plate and spork for eating, a bug head net and water proof jacket and trousers (if your normal jacket and trousers are not water proof). Some would add a complete first aid kit, bug repellent and a bivy for their sleeping bag and the list could go on and on. The most important thing is that you bring warm and waterproof clothes, a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, knife, saw and the other items in the list above. Add to that what you prefer and try to keep the total weight below 15 kgs. Please, again, notice that this is not necessarily a complete list for everyone.
  • Will there be accommodation on the on-site courses? Yes, if the course does not involve a hike, we will provide lavvu accommodation or accomodation in a heated cabin at the location. The lavvu will have a wood burning stove.
  • Will I have to bring my own food? We will provide a simple “boil in bag” dinner and porridge breakfast for the two day on-site bushcraft courses. Please do bring additional food and snacks for yourself. For the hikes, you need to bring your own food.
  • Are there risks involved? There is a risk involved in all outdoors activities. Therefore by attending you promise to not hold us accountable if you should get injured. That being said, we consider these courses to be a low risk activity, although some cuts and bruises might occur.
  • Are there dangerous predators in Norway? Sadly, almost all large predators have been killed in Norway.
  • What about ticks? Yes, we have ticks and will be doing our best to avoid them while hiking and camping.
  • Where will the courses be held? On-site courses will be held on private, fenced in woodland property that borders to a large forest area which we will also have access to. The hikes will normally be in the Oslo area unless otherwise specified. The hiking locations might be different from time to time as we will do our best to avoid hunting areas and disturbing elements.
  • Is the winter very cold? The winter in southern Norway lasts from mid November to mid April. During that time, snow is likely and temperatures down to -15 is to be expected until mid March.
  • Are there rules and regulations I need to follow? We do have some rules that apply to our courses and hikes. 1, The campsite is a no smoking zone. Not everyone likes the smell of tobacco, so please move outside of the campsite for that. 2, The “leave only footprints” principle: No trash shall be left during our hike or at camp. 3, Respect all life. Unless otherwise specified, there shall be no hunting or fishing, and no live trees will be cut down. We might forage plants and cut some branches, but we will do our best to make as little impact on our surroundings as possible. 4, Ask before you include other people in your photos. It’s common sense, but easy to forget. So please ask before taking that photo.