“Vikings of the North” – A Strategy Board Game

Vikings of the North

Some time ago, I was approached by Alga Spel. They wanted to make a strategy board game based on Viking Age sea battle and conquest. I liked the idea and said yes. Now, a few months later, I can tell you I did not regret that decision. I have had the pleasure of working with some very talented people as a consultant on the authenticity part, and I must say I am impressed with the result. To be honest, I never really like board games much, but this one really fascinates me and we can sit for hours playing. It takes only a few minutes to get started and there are layers and depth to this game that you will probably not find elsewhere.

Direct links to buy “Vikings of the North”:



I will update the list above as soon as the game is made available in more countries, but already you can send an email and announce your interest in buying this “Vikings of the North” in your language. Send an email to: info@algaspel.se